sábado, agosto 13, 2011

Abriendo Mentes: Helping children succeed

Written by Melissa Howard

I am an ESL Resource teacher in the states and came to Potrero to volunteer with Abriendo Mentes to learn more about teaching English as a second language. Because of Abriendo Mentes, my teaching has changed for the better. I was blown away by the students’ abilities with AM! Students came on their own everyday to learn English with AM. The staff, interns and volunteers have such a passion for teaching these children giving them so much energy and strength to learn each and every day. Although my time with Abriendo Mentes was only a few short weeks, I plan to continue to help raise money and volunteer next year with this wonderful program. I believe in this program and that it will continue to strive and teach the children of Potrero the language and skills they need to succeed in their lives.

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