miƩrcoles, diciembre 07, 2011

Celebrating Thanksgiving in Potrero!

Written by: Anna Hergt

Some United States holidays aren't commonly celebrated in Potrero, but for the sake of fun, we like to spread the word. On Thanksgiving, that word was “THANKS!”.
We started off the day with Kindergarten kids, who had been learning about the letter N, so we decided to make Native American headdresses. They wrote their names and colored nature-related things on their headbands and then taped on the "feathers." It’s quite nice how excited they were to tape on their scrap paper triangles and celebrate proudly with us.

Kinder with their head dresses!

Grades 3rd, 5th, and 6th were all in the next class, so we made a Tree of Thanks! Up on their mural they each posted colorful fall leaves, a strange concept here, and effortlessly wrote in English, “I am thankful for...” Most of them said "friends" and "family" and "my house," all blessings we sometimes take for granted.

Tree of Thanks!

Color-by-Number rainbow turkeys was the last activity for the 1st, 2nd, and 4th graders. Colors and numbers are subjects that they are especially good at so they had a blast and kept very quiet as they concentrated. A quiet classroom is rare here at Abriendo Mentes! When they were done the noise began again as we talked about how to say "thank you" in different languages. Our German volunteer Lynn taught them “Danke!” and we continued on to try and pronounce many other world languages.

Nayelli coloring her rainbow turkey

This Thanksgiving, we’d all like to say Gracias, Merci, Arigato, and any other way we could possibly let you know how thankful we are that there are people out there supporting AM even by something as simple as reading this. Salud!

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