lunes, febrero 14, 2011

Libros para Todos - Books for Everyone!

By: Meradith Leebrick

Friday, February 11th kicked off the distribution of the Libros para Todos book drive, organized in our area by Las Catalinas Development and Bahia del Sol Hotel.

The national Libros para Todos poster

Libros Para Todos is a national effort, spearheaded by Grupo La Nacion, the national Costa Rican newspaper. The ultimate goal is to provide every child with donated books in the four core subjects, Spanish, Math, Science and Social Studies, for the 2011 year. Abriendo Mentes helped this goal become reality for Potrero, Tempate and Huacas.

All of the Puerto Potrero primary school students

The day could not have been better. Drew and I were invited to the book distribution event in the Potrero primary school, and we were greeted with smiles, hugs and "how are you"s from all of the A.M. students. We were also joined by Charles Brewer, the President of Las Catalinas Development, Michael Garcia, also from Las Catalinas , and Maria Fernanda Esquivel from Bahia del Sol Hotel.

Stacks of the donated books!

It was an action packed morning; the third graders sang (featuring Cindy Yuelka with a solo), the dance troop did a routine (of course, with Austin as the signature boy dancer) and we all presented the books to the school and students - over 400 books in total! After the presentation of books, all the students and guests enjoyed a proper Tico breakfast of gallo pinto and squeaky cheese to celebrate the book donation.

The third graders singing

What a great dance!

I can honestly say that I have never seen children so happy to start a new year of school and receive text books. Friday made everything worth it.

Barbara, Nayelli, Valentine and Cesar greet us in school

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